When thinking of getting a massage most people think of getting those pesky shoulder or back muscles worked out but there are benefit’s to working the scalp and face. So I’m going to briefly go over those benefits this month.
The scalp consists of 5 layers and attaches at the external occipital protuberance (which is the bumpy part of the back of the head) and the supraorbital margins (which is above the eyebrows). The scalp is effected by multiple muscles that attach to the skull that may get hyperactive and tense causing the scalp to become stiff and rigid. Those who tend to think a lot and wrinkle the area between their eyebrows see tension in their frontal occipital muscle which connects via the same connective tissue that helps hold the scalp to the skull. This situation may cause tension headaches if it goes on for long periods of time. Proper massage techniques on the scalp can relax this tension and give relief to the client.
The muscles of the face tend to be problematic for those who clench or grind their teeth causing tension in the masseter, lateral pterygiod and the tendon of the temporalis. Tension in these muscles may cause problems with opening the mouth, speaking clearly and headaches. This tension may also cause problems in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Massage is an excellent choice in relaxing this area and to get the relief the client is looking for.