The gentle insertion of tiny thread-like needles in specific acupoints near the surface of the body that influence blood and oxygen circulation, nervous system function and organ function. Acupuncture is one of the main treatment modalities in Chinese medicine and requires specific knowledge in anatomy, physiology and Traditional Chinese Medical Theory.
Acupuncture is consider “bi tong” or painless, but it is not without sensations. You may experience a quick pinch on insertion , heat, itching or pressure at the site of the needle. Nothing should be sharp or painful. In most cases, people feel a sense of deep relaxation, and have fallen asleep during treatment. Our clinic uses high quality, pre-sterilized, disposable needles and are discarded in medical waste after each treatment.
This technique consists of placing glass jars over an area of skin. The increase in temperature removes the oxygen within the jars creating a vacuum, drawing up the skin and opening the pores. The suction created helps stimulate the flow of blood, balance and harmonize the flow of qi, breaks up obstructions, and creates an avenue for toxins to be drawn out of the body. On occasion, temporary discoloration can occur over the area where the cups are applied, which generally dissipates within a few days. Light red indicates heat and inflammation, purple means blood is not flowing through the muscles. Cupping is indicated of conditions like muscle pain and tightness, colds with fluid accumulation, and swelling.
Gua Sha
This technique involves stimulation or scraping of the skin using a flat edge instrument and lubrication. This may create a reddening of the skin and /or the appearance of small red petechiae known as “sha”, which generally disappears within 1-5 days. The idea of raising sha to the skin surface is the remove qi and blood stagnation to promote normal circulation and metabolic processes of the body. Gua sha can be used for muscle pain and tightness, colds and to bring down fevers.
E-stim also known as electrical stimulation is the use of applying a pulsating electrical current to acupuncture needles as a mean of stimulating specific points or channels within the body. This technique can be used to tonify acupuncture points and move stagnation within an area of the body.
This is a very important warming technique that is commonly used in conjunction with acupuncture. Moxa is the dried leaves of Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort) that is burned and placed indirectly on acupuncture points. It comes in many forms; loose, mini stick-on, and a cigar-like stick. Moxa can also be placed on the top of needles during treatment. This Technique is used to remove cold and tonify Qi and blood, increase circulation, dry up secretions, strengthen vital energy, strengthen immune system, and turn breech babies! Click on the link below for more information.
Transdermal Needles
Also known as “tacks”, are mini needles connected to adhesive tape. The needles penetrate the skin on a superficial level and can be left on for up to five days. Tacks are most commonly placed within the ears and can be inserted anywhere on the body. These are used to stimulate acupuncture points and are excellent for children. Similar to reflexology, tacks can be used for a variety of conditions.