East Wind Acupuncture, located in Chesterton, Indiana, is a traditional Chinese medicine clinic utilizing acupuncture, Chinese medicine (herbs), reiki, Thai bodywork and cranial sacral therapies to help restore and maintain health.
Our caring, dedicated staff of state-licensed, and national board-certified practitioners provide consultations, treatments, and herbal remedies for a variety of health problems. We have over 25 years experience in natural health care treating internal medical problems, as well as pain and infertility. We provide safe, effective, and professional treatments for the whole family.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to help as many people as possible reach their true health potential without the use of drugs or unnecessary surgery. Our goal is to educate people on what it means to be truly healthy, how to restore function in their body using safe, effective therapies, how to regain energy and vitality with herbs and diet, and then how to maintain health for life!
We believe that health and healing begin with you. East Wind Acupuncture is just one part of the healing process. We encourage you to establish healthy lifestyle habits that will influence the speed of recovery from injury or illness and also prevent disease. Therefore, we emphasize eating natural, organic foods, consuming 2-3L of water per day, getting 6-9 hours of sleep per night, and reducing mental and physical stress through meditation, yoga, or prayer.
As our bodies begin to decline in function, lifestyle habits alone may not restore function. Acupuncture, Herbs, and Massage Therapy, have a faster, more direct impact on increasing organ function, improving blood circulation, reducing mental and physical stress, eliminating symptoms, and most importantly, treating the root cause of disease!
Our Clinic Offers
- A comprehensive health history review to find out how and why your body is breaking down and to determine if we can help you with your current health problems.
- A Chinese medical examination, including tongue and pulse diagnosis, that can pinpoint the areas of dysfunction and then determine a treatment strategy to help correct imbalance and restore function.
- Individually customized treatment plans designed to resolve symptoms and correct the cause of your health problems. Most conditions have been in place for years by the time they seek out a Chinese medicine doctor and therefore, require a series of treatments, along with dietary changes and herbal remedies, to fully overcome these conditions. With time and experience, patients can eliminate most health conditions.
- An educational program designed to help you understand how your body functions based on Chinese medical theory, how your body has come to this state of dis-ease, and how Chinese medicine can restore your health.
- Herbal, nutritional, and supplement recommendations to help optimize your treatments and regain function.
- Reiki, Thai bodywork, and Cranial Sacral therapies to encourage the body’s own natural healing mechanisms to dissipate the negative effects of stress and trauma
- Clinics, workshops and screenings on specific health topics, many of which are free to clients and the community
- Healthy lifestyle recommendations like exercise, yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and meditation (all part of Chinese medicine)
Our Experience
We have over 25 years of experience treating a variety of health conditions with Chinese medicine. Our practitioners all have bachelors degrees in many subjects and masters degrees in Chinese medicine; one has a PhD in Analytical Organic Chemistry. We have one of the most educated and experienced staff in the entire Midwest!
It is very important to understand that not all acupuncturists are the same. Chinese medicine practitioners are required to have 3000 educational hours and 1000 clinical hours to graduate from an accredited school. For instance, Chiropractors need only 200 hours of non-clinical training to practice acupuncture in Indiana. In many states, medical doctors need NO additional training (including Indiana). Some states actually require MD’s to graduate from an accredited Chinese medical school to practice acupuncture because they recognize it is a completely different medical system-knowing one system should not assume mastery in another!
Acupuncture is one aspect, one tiny modality, of a greater system that requires years of training, education and clinical experience. Chinese medicine is a complete medical system that needs 4 years of higher learning to fully understand and practice the entire system which includes, but is not limited to: diagnosis (including tongue and pulse) theory, pathology, and treatment strategy using acupuncture, herbs, moxa, guasha, massage therapy, spinal integration, nutrition, meditation, exercise & breathing.
With over 20,000 patients served, and over 150,000 treatments performed, East Wind is a leader in the field of Chinese medicine. We are one of the largest clinics in United States and Europe! What this means is: Experience!
We have treated very easy to extremely difficult cases with great results. We have proven through medical tests/blood work/x-rays successful improvements, and in some cases complete reversal, in areas such as kidney failure, COPD, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, high liver enzymes and rheumatoid arthritis! And, we have daily successes in the treatment of GERD, pain, infertility, asthma, depression, anxiety & more.
Our clinic is dedicated to the preservation, practice & science of Chinese medicine. Modeled after the out-patient clinics of Guangzhou, China where our medical director has studied and interned, we strive to deliver the most successful treatments possible.
Chesterton Clinic
Address: 210 N. Calumet Rd. Chesterton, IN 46304.
Acupuncture Hours:
Tuesday: 9:00am-2:00pm
Wednesday: 12:00pm-7:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am-2:00pm & 4:30pm-6:00pm
Thai Bodywork Hours:
Monday: 5:15pm-7:15pm
Wednesday: 2:30pm-7:15pm
Friday: 10:00am-3:00pm
Saturday: one Saturday per month (dates vary)
Reiki Hours:
Wednesday: 3:15pm-7:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am-2:00pm & 4:30pm-7:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-2:00pm
Cranial Sacral Therapy Hours:
Wednesday: 10:00am-3:00pm
Thursday: 11:00am-4:00pm